Wednesday, June 08, 2005

First of Many...June 8

Hi All,
Will start udating this blog daily unless away so you can all know what is going on with Bob and The Cadets along with the rest of us.
Bob calls frequently usually at about 11:30 at night as that is the time they all are free from their busy schedules. From what Bob says they are all getting stronger, which is a good thing as the shows drill is very fast and hard and they have had alot of minor injuries.
Bob strained his MCL last week, has been icing each evening and taking Advil on a regular basis. I sent him a couple of knee supports for him to use if needed. Monday he had a stomach bug and vomited several him a few hours rest which was much needed. Monday also was eventful as they had a tornado touch down in the area. Left the camp without power, but it is reported that they had dinner by candle light, and they were given glow sticks and necklaces to be able to get around camp...(thank goodness for the souvies truck), power was restored on Tuesday AM.
Bob said that the drill is so hard and they have been waiting for the domino fall to happen and it did on Tuesday...bunch of them ended up falling on each other, and sounds like it went further as the drill was not stopped until there was a whole pile...Hope that doesn't happen during a performance...course it has happened in the past

The Cadets start on their tour beginning Friday...should be a great season...for those that want to attend shows...visit site and click on the cadets link and then the link that takes you to where to see them. If you are unable to travel to the has a season pass where you pay a fee and can download shows, mpegs and can watch live perfomances...well worth the money.

As far as the rest of us...Holly is finally able to get back to playing softball after her fractured wrist...Played her first game and yes the team won...they have had a struggling year...but....
Over this past weekend, had my credit card, cash and other items stolen out of my car in my driveway and they creeps used the card at local gas stations...just waiting to see the total fall out from that...Thanks Mom and Dad for helping keep Holly and I afloat while I try and sort this out...Holly is happy that she will infact have snacks this upcoming week... :)

Bob's Bulldog Talulah had her eye surgery last week and is doing just fine...snorting and snoring is her favorite past time.

Here are some items that Bob is always in need of...
Laundry detergent...if you can find the tabs great...otherwise the small packets of powder from the laundry mat...
Snacks, he and the others love, candy...obviously something that won't melt in the hot weather...and any kind of homemade cookies, gum
Spray sunscreen, he uses Coppertone Sport, continuous spray spf 30

I will be updating the address to send packages to him as the date for sending to him at the YEA office must be by June 10th arrival so unless you overnight...they are sending out a new list of shipping addresses soon, as soon as I get them I will post...

Don't forget to visit the mail drop at this link to send Bob an email that will be delivered to him at the show...this is a great thing and all corps members really

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