On our message board the other day was a question from a member of WPDC asking if the Crosstown Tornadoes would be attending a state competition...It was explained to this member that some of the adult committee members of WPDC along with other committees of other junior corps in this association were afraid the Crosstown Tornadoes were trying to steal their members so they did not want this corps to be part of their association. What bullcrap is that. What they are really afraid of is competition from a corps and potentially other corps that may effect change on their stupid traditional ways. The fact is that their are only 3 junior corps and occasionally one that is nearly defunct that compete at these competitions. It is a standstill competition and they always play the same songs. Occasionally a corps will pull one from their ancient files and add something new but basically no changes....One year WPDC's instructors(not the committee or their music director) actually did something inovative and started a new song and added some great drummming and horns lines and actually won the competition with a new rendition of an old song...those instructors are now gone...and they are back to poor to mediocre crap. It will be fairly predicable who will win this competetion unless the judges are influenced to not place a corps well because of some controvery.
Alot of times these corps and individuals compete against noone, just themselves and still win and believe they are champions. I have to say at one time I believed just that because the junior corps make the kids believe that they are the best and keep them sheltered from all of the other great corps around the world. If you ask the majority of the members of these drum corps they would not know what DCI is, who the Cadets, Blue Devils, Phantom Regiment, Santa Clara Vanguard and all of the true musicians of the drum corps international are....
My feelings are pretty clear...these junior corps of the CF&DA are jokes, and need to allow further drum corps in to compete to truely be able to improve the musical quality of their members....so take the challenge CF&DA and allow and invite some of these other corps into your competitions then you can truely say you winners....
Check out this article in Drum Corps World about 3 new Corps in Connecticut...two are juniors...come on CF&DA...
New Corps Article
Can see your point, no reason to compete if you don't continue to get better
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